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Real Internet Income Lifetime Internet Income Join My Team

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


1. Don't give up. I know progress may seem bleak in the beginning but stay focused be consistent and persistent. Your efforts directly reflect your productivity. 

#2. Make sure you communicate with your downline as well as your upline. Give your downline support and try to answer questions they may have. If your sponsor seems invisible, don't let that hinder your success. Be a better sponsor to your affiliates. 

#3. Stay plugged in. Login everyday if possible. Check your messages, and alerts. Check your progress on the scoreboard and your sales in the Tripleclicks store. Remember this is YOUR store. Treat it like a brick and mortar business...You gotta open up the door for business, check your messages, check on your store inventory, monitor what is selling and what isn't and train your team. 

#4. Always track your advertising methods. This way you know which advertising methods are working and which ones are not. This will save you money and time. Ask your upline member which methods have worked for him/her. Some affiliates are computer savvy enough to market online(email marketing, PPC, personal website...etc) and some may need a little more help at it. Some affiliates are better at working the telephone and some are better at working the post office. Either way it's all good. Help your downline affiliate find a way to promote his/her business that is most comfortable for him/her.

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