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Friday, November 20, 2015

Important new SFI gateway

November 19, 2015 by csi4admin

With the big Signing Bonus announcement, it’s of course vital that this exciting new bonus is prominently promoted to all prospective affiliates.

To accommodate this, we are unveiling today an important, new, completely-redesigned SFI gateway:’ll replace 13950045 with your own SFI ID when advertising of course)

Key new features:
Fresh, modern look
Retooled ad copy to highlight the biggest and best reasons for becoming an SFI affiliate
Mobile-friendly (page adjusts for any screen size)
New, simpler built-in registration form (requires only name, email, country, and password to get started)
The old, clunky Captcha has been replaced with a slick, fast, and new security check that helps ensure no autobot can register an account
An income disclaimer and no-spam policy have been added (required by many ISPs, search engines, and advertising programs)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Because it was not feasible to quickly alter every existing SFI gateway to include a promotion of the new Signing Bonus, we have configured our servers to redirect the following four SFI gateways to the new one:
“invite” gateway

So, if you’re currently promoting any of the above four gateways, you’re all set; your prospects will be now seeing the new gateway and be informed of the new Signing Bonus!

Note: If you’re using the JMT (“Join My Team”) gateway, your prospects will continue to be directed to the JMT gateway. However, they’ll still learn about the new Signing Bonus because we’ve added a banner about it near the top of the page.

Q: I’m already using the original /free gateway in my advertising. What will happen now?
Those responding to your advertising will now see the NEW gateway design instead.

Q: I understand that other SFI gateways like the “/real” and “/first” gateways now redirect to the new gateway, but will you be reintroducing them later and remove the redirect?
We shall see. We think the new gateway is far and away the best gateway of the group and will provide the best results, so there may not be a good reason to reintroduce the others again–at least not in the near future. After we have at least a couple months of testing the new gateway, we’ll be able to better determine if /real, /first, etc. will get new life as separate gateways. Stay tuned.

Q: The registration form doesn’t collect as much information as it did previously (e.g. city of residence). Is that a good thing?
Less information asked for upfront will actually increase sign-ups. And, don’t worry, we’re still going to be collecting city, etc, plus their primary language, too, but we’ll be doing it AFTER they sign up, at the Affiliate Center using a friendly pop-up message. The idea is to make it as quick and easy as possible to sign up. That’s good for us and it’s good for you. We can collect other important information just a bit later.

Q: How do I know that when I refer someone to the new gateway that I will get credited as their sponsor?
You can confirm that you’ll be properly credited by checking the SFI ID number located at the bottom of the gateway under the copyright notice. Your SFI ID number will appear there automatically if you’re using your SFI ID in the link you’re advertising. And if it’s displayed on the gateway, you’ll be the sponsor!

Q: I noticed that if the reader clicks on the “Read more testimonials” button that the reader is taken to a new window. Won’t I lose the prospect if that happens?
No. First of all, we’ll automatically transfer your SFI ID to the testimonials gateway when it’s opened by your prospect–so if they end up deciding to register directly from the testimonials gateway, you’ll be credited as the sponsor just the same. Secondly, we purposely open the testimonials gateway in a new, separate window. By doing this, the standard gateway remains for your prospect to come back to if they wish to.

Q: Does the new gateway do anything to help ensure that good email addresses are collected?
Yes, as always, any email address that is not properly formatted (e.g. doesn’t have an “@” sign in it) will be rejected. But the new gateway goes further. Upon entering an email address, the following alert (in red) appears:

IMPORTANT: A valid e-mail address must be provided to receive commissions and be eligible for the Signing Bonus.

Please confirm that <emailaddress> is your correct email address.

The email address must then be confirmed to proceed with the sign-up.

Q: Why was the Income Disclaimer and No-Spam statement added to the bottom of this gateway?
This text is actually required by many ISPs, search engines, and advertising programs. If we don’t provide this, you may not be allowed to advertise at certain places on the web–or your advertising may be automatically blocked from being viewed or otherwise “obfuscated.”

Q: But won’t the Income Disclaimer turn off prospects?
Actually, we believe just the opposite is true. That is, we think most prospects will appreciate us being very open and honest with them. Perhaps it will “turn off” people who are looking for a “pie in the sky” program that promises wealth without work. The fact is, there’s no such thing, and we refuse to insult people’s intelligence by ever suggesting that success is possible without work and effort. Frankly, we’d prefer that such persons pass on SFI (at least until they’ve figured out that there’s no such thing as a free lunch).

Q: What about the standalone registration page (/register)?
If you’re currently advertising the link to the standalone registration page, we’ve got some good news for you there, too. That is, it’s been completely overhauled, made mobile-friendly, etc., and now sports a promotional banner for the Signing Bonus, too! We also added links to the Testimonials Gateway and the new gateway, so the /register page is now equipped to work as a great back-end to, for example, your personal blog posts about SFI.

Q: The signing bonus of up to $100 is promoted near the top of the new gateway. Where can I get the details on the signing bonus?
Review our announcement HERE.

DISCUSS IT! Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center, then head over to the FORUM–to the SFI NEWS DISCUSSIONS section–to discuss this announcement with your fellow SFI’ers.

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