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Friday, November 20, 2015

New Team Leader qualification added

November 19, 2015 by csi4admin

Being a Team Leader in SFI is of course supposed to be focused on building and leading a TEAM. And, in fact, these activities–DUPLICATION–are absolutely crucial to the success of the SFI system. Over the last several months, however, we have seen this vital element given less and less attention by both new and old Team Leaders.

To reverse this trend, we are adding a new Team Leader qualification, which will become effective as of January 2016(qualifications met by midnight, January 31, 2016).

Here are the Team Leader requirements as of January (the new requirement shown in red):

Bronze Team Leader (BTL)
Minimum 3,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/2,000 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (1) first-level EA2
Maintain Leadership Page
Minimum 3-star sponsor rating from PSAs (not required if you receive less than 5 ratings)

Silver Team Leader (STL)
Minimum 4,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/2,500 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (2) first-level BTLs
Maintain Leadership Page
Minimum 3-star sponsor rating from PSAs (not required if you receive less than 5 ratings)

Gold Team Leader (GTL)
Minimum 5,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/3,000 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (3) first-level STLs
Maintain Leadership Page
Minimum 3-star sponsor rating from PSAs (not required if you receive less than 5 ratings)

Platinum Team Leader (PTL)
Minimum 6,000 VersaPoints (1,500 min/3,500 max from sales/purchases)
Minimum (4) first-level GTLs
Maintain Leadership Page
Minimum 3-star sponsor rating from PSAs (not required if you receive less than 5 ratings)

Diamond Team Leader (DTL) ***NO CHANGE***
Minimum 1,500 SVP
Minimum (5) first-level PTLs

Q: How long do I have to meet the new requirements to keep my current rank?You have until the end of January (nearly 2 1/2 months).

Q: Isn’t meeting these new requirements going to be difficult?“Difficult” is a relative term of course, but let’s first remember the objective here. That is, we cannot have affiliates ranked as Team Leaders collecting TripleClicks Executive Pool shares designed for Team Leaders if they are not actually building a TEAM. If you’re going to be a Team Leader, you HAVE to have a team, and you must have a focus on duplication as well. This new requirement is, of course, designed to address these aspects. That said, be sure to factor in the new Signing Bonus program. How is that related? Well, it’s very probable that the new Signing Bonus is going to drive a LOT of new activity. Indeed, it’s very possible that the new activity created by the Signing Bonus program, over the next 2 1/2 months, could easily offset the perceived “difficulty” of the new requirement.

Q: What if I don’t meet the new requirements by the end of January?Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but a temporary bump in the road–in this case, dropping back in rank–is no disaster. If you fall a little short, dust yourself off on February 1st and challenge yourself to get it done by the end of February or March. As they say, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Ultimately, if you maintain the proper attitude and work hard, you’ll undoubtable regain or even exceed your current rank. And this time, because you’ll have an active team under you, you will have set the stage for yourself for higher earnings and bigger successes going forward.

Q: I don’t think I have the people I need on my first level to meet the new qualifications. What should I do?See, you’re already thinking correctly now about what you need to do to truly become successful in SFI! As our training teaches, “D is the key” (D = duplication). What we recommend you do is, first, review the THE PLAN. The Plan ties in directly with the new requirement. Then, zoom in on the second FAQ–which provides specific directions and links for several resources you’ll want to start using as your guide to develop a quality front line of affiliates. You can do it!!

Q: What do you mean by “first level?”

First level is your first generation of affiliates, those you’ve personally sponsored, your PSAs.

Q: What’s the bottom line for this new requirement?Think of it like this: To be a BTL, STL, GTL, PTL…or DTL…you need a “QFL” (Quality First Level)!

DISCUSS IT! Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center, then head over to the FORUM–to the SFI NEWS DISCUSSIONS section–to discuss this announcement with your fellow SFI’ers.

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