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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

10 reasons why being a Team Leader rocks!

10 reasons why being a Team Leader rocks!

January 25, 2016 by lrobison0967

Success sure is sweet! Just ask anyone who’s ever built a successful business. In SFI, your potential for success really amps up once you reach the rank of Team Leader. Not only do you expand your access to several income streams, you achieve a MAJOR step toward building a long-term, successful business!

Of course, ALL Affiliates get access to SFI’s free training, marketing tools, compensation opportunities, and other goodies, but here are 10 MORE reasons why being an SFI Team Leader really rocks:

1. More Free TCredits every month!

Every Team Leader gets up to 24 FREE TripleClicks TCredits every month to use for member listings, to bid on Pricebenders Auctions, to participate in contests, play games, download songs from TripleClicks Music, and more.

2. More shares in the TC Executive Pool!

In addition to one TripleClicks Executive Pool share for every VP earned that every Affiliate gets each month, Team Leaders get matching VP shares for VP earned by all EA2s in their downline…up to 12 levels, including their CSAs! DTLs also get double matching VP on affiliates on their 12th level!

3. Even MORE TripleClicks Executive Pool shares!

As a Team Leader, for every 10 personal VP you earn, you get bonus shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Advance up the ranks of Team Leader, get more Milestone Shares–up to 18 shares every month!

4. New, free Co-Sponsored Affiliates every month!

Team Leaders get up to 6 monthly share allotments of Second Home CSAs— CSAs who were previously assigned a Co-Sponsor but were forfeited due to the Co-Sponsor not maintaining required EA status.

5. Expanded leverage to transform your PSAs into Team Leaders!

The ability to reassign PSAs up to 12 generations to motivated, up-and-coming leaders in your downline can help you encourage, develop, and motivate your Team Leaders. And, remember: every time you develop a new committed TL, you’ve created another residual income stream that can keep bringing in money for you with minimum attention on your part!

6. Even MORE power to grow your SFI organization!

Silver Team Leaders and above can reassign their CSAs to their downline affiliates–up to 12 generations. This can be a powerful tool for providing incentives to your affiliates to upgrade and maintain EA and above every month!

7. Extra DD invites to help you expand your core group of select PSAs.

With up to 20 Designated Diamond Invitations, you can use this valuable resource to create a strong, core group of officially designated, select PSAs that you’ll work closely with to build a successful team. Find out more.

8. Exclusive TL support and resources!

We LOVE our leaders…that’s why we pride ourselves in giving our TLs the support and resources they need to keep their businesses strong. For example, the SFI Forum features a Team Leader category exclusively for TLs to brainstorm, ask questions, and get direct feedback from other SFI Leaders, as well as SFI President Gery Carson and others at SFI Corporate!

9. Creative freedom over new SFI ads and promotions!

STLs and above can let their creative juices flow by writing up their own ads and promotions to suit their local area demands, marketing focus, or special strategy. NOTE: All ads and promotions must first be submitted to SFI for fast approval (usually 1 to 2 business days).

10. Bragging rights and sense of accomplishment!

This might not seem all that significant at first, but never underestimate the far-reaching benefits of setting goals and reaching them! Your growing confidence and experience naturally shines through and positively affects your relationship with others in your downline. Happiness is contagious, and your team members will naturally want to emulate (i.e., duplicate) your efforts!

Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center, then head over to the FORUM–to the SFI NEWS DISCUSSIONS section–to discuss this announcement with your fellow SFI’ers.

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