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Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Years message from Gery

New Years message from Gery

January 1, 2016 by csi4admin

To: All SFI affiliates
From: Gery Carson, SFI President & Founder
Are you ready…to build something GREAT in 2016?
We are!

It should be obvious, but we have an incredible team here at SFI Corporate…and in 2015 our guys and gals delivered more goodies in a single year than I can ever recall. And after more than three decades in business, that’s saying something!

Seriously, if you’ll page through all of the (many!) announcements for 2015 here at…and really take the time to digest each addition…you’ll conclude, like I have, that 2015 was truly a banner year!

And look an what we’ve added already for 2016!…
Milestone Shares
Designated Diamonds
The Biz Quiz
Simplified VersaPoints rules
More VersaPoints opportunities

Is there any other company out there delivering more–and more often–for their partners (that means YOU, our affiliates) than SFI? Yes, I’ll put SFI up against any other company in our industry!

I hope you don’t mind me tooting SFI’s horn a bit, but I’m truly, truly proud of our team here and the work they do to make SFI such a great company. If you get a chance, such as with a Support Ticket, please say “THANKS!” and let them know that you appreciate their efforts, too!

So what’s in the 2016 pipeline? Well, here’s just a small taste:
A major overhaul of TripleClicks, including making the entire site fully mobile-responsive/mobile-friendly
A big, new focus on ECAs, ECA tools, and bringing in more ECAs with thousands of quality, salable products
More exciting new Eager Zebra games
Innovative new marketing aids
Bigger, better Pricebenders features
More fun and powerful team building tools at the Affiliate Center

Of course there is MUCH, MUCH more in store, but I can’t give away ALL the goodies. Some things, especially the really major developments, we have to keep under wraps until they are fully baked and ready for primetime. But one thing I can assure you of; there’s a LOT of innovation in the pipeline, a lot of stuff that makes it hard for me to sleep--that you’re going to LOVE!

By the way, how do you like our new 2016 theme? If you didn’t guess, it’s BUILD SOMETHING GREAT. Yes, building a great business, building a great income, building a great life…these are all fantastic goals, and I hope that each and every one of you will make those words–BUILD SOMETHING GREAT–really mean something and make it one of your top resolutions for 2016 and beyond.

There’s an old Chinese proverb that I love:

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.”

If you’ve been building something great for weeks, months, or years already…well done…you rock! But if not, that’s okay, because, like the Chinese proverb, the second best time to start building something great is TODAY.

Yes, today, January 1st, 2016, the first day of a fresh new year is an absolutely GREAT time to start building something great! Will you grab this opportunity TODAY? I hope you will! And you can count on me and my awesome team here to support you every step of the way.


Gery Carson

DISCUSS IT! Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center, then head over to the FORUM–to the SFI NEWS DISCUSSIONS section–to discuss this announcement with your fellow SFI’ers.

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