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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ECAs: Get instant payments for your orders

November 23, 2015
by lrobison0967
ECAs: Get instant payments for your orders

If you haven’t had a chance to check out TripleClicks’ LocalPay program for ECAs, you owe it to your business to take a moment and do so NOW. In addition to bypassing international transaction “roadblocks” by conducting your transactions locally–in your own currency–with TripleClicks Members in your region, you can also get paid immediately–on the front-end–for orders you’ve fulfilled! What’s more, you can offer local pick up for your customers, eliminating bothersome shipping charges.

If you or your referred ECAs are still on the fence about applying for a LocalPay license, consider this as well: The world is going more global all the time. Thousands of current and future companies will need local fulfillment/payment/delivery services, too. By being a member of our growing network and establishing a track record now, you can position yourself to take on other future clients and create an even larger order fulfillment enterprise for yourself.

Applying for a LocalPay license via your ECA Center is quick and easy. Just scroll down to the LocalPay License(s) section, and select the link. You can also visit these three TC pages for more information:

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